Have you already included a gift to Zelie’s Home in your will or trust?

Provide a Legacy of Faith

Secure the legacy of compassion and care for future generations. Consider leaving a lasting impact by including Zelie’s Home in your will through our trusted partnership with MyCatholicWill. Your enduring support ensures a home filled with love and opportunities for those in need. Explore the power of leaving a meaningful legacy today.

Crafting your will has never been easier! Click the link below to access our free, user-friendly tool for creating your will effortlessly. Navigate through a simple step-by-step process, ensuring your wishes are documented with ease. Take control of your legacy in just a few clicks – it’s that simple!

Start now and secure your peace of mind. Plus, you can revise or amend your will at any point, free of charge, giving you the flexibility to adapt to life's changes!

Do you still have questions about our partnership with MyCatholicWill or Zelie’s Home Planned Giving program? 

Contact our Director of Donor Experience, Mary Beth via email at Marybeth@zelieshome.org